As Cashel is taking the journey towards zero waste, I recognise the need to change some aspects of my consumer behaviour. To support this community initiative, I pledge, where I can, to:
Buy items with less packaging (buy unpackaged fruits and vegetables),
Endeavour to buy items with recyclable packaging when I can’t avoid packaging,
Buy and use a reusable water bottle instead of buying single-use bottled water,
Buy and use a reusable coffee takeaway cup instead of using a single-use non-recyclable takeaway cup,
Avoid single-use packaging from cafes and shops (plastic clamshells, plastic cutlery, take-away bags, straws),
Partake in the sharing economy instead of buying new products,
Where possible, buy items second hand, produce or repair my own,
Reduce my food waste, and
Properly segregate my rubbish.
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